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Advance Care Directives

Myall Coast Legal frequently receives enquiries from its clients about Advance Care Directives.

An Advance Care Directive is a document that allows you to provide detailed instructions and communicate your values to others about future potential medical treatment.

In circumstances where you are unable to communicate your wishes about medical treatment, a completed Advance Care Directive can provide invaluable guidance for your family and medical professionals as to your treatment that may alleviate family disagreement.

The document, when validly prepared and completed, can be uploaded to the 'My Health Record' section of the MyGov website and accessed by treating medical practitioners and other health care providers.

The instructions provided in a valid Advance Care Directive are presently considered binding at common law.

You can access further information about advance care planning with Advance Care Directives by clicking on this link:

You can access the 'My Health Record' section of the MyGov website by clicking on this link:

If you have any questions about the advance care planning or you require assistance to prepare your advance care planning documentation, please do not hesitate to contact Myall Coast Legal for assistance on (02) 4997 2800.

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